5e firearms dmg
5e firearms dmg

5e firearms dmg

Guns as a Rare Item Of course, in a world where there is magic, monsters, and arcane weaponry, it isn’t fair fetched that there could be guns. When a player asks you if he/she can be a gunslinger, the next thing you need to consider is the continuity of the game. In a primitive world, like the one I talk about in 10 Amazing Settings for Your Homebrew Campaign, guns would obviously make no sense however, in a more traditional setting, and especially in a high tech or futuristic setting, guns would present little to no problem.Ĭonsider carefully the world you are trying to build before saying yes to firearms in your campaign. In some cases, this will be easy to answer, in others, you may need to spend some time reworking elements of your world to allow for such modern weapons. If a player wants to create a character who uses guns, you really need to consider how the additions of guns will affect your world, especially if they were not present before. Fun Ways to Introduce Guns if your game doesn’t currently include them.Mechanics of guns (reloading, misfiring and breaking).Rarity of guns and ammunition in your world.

5e firearms dmg 5e firearms dmg

Now that Matt Mercer’s “ Gunslinger” is available, it might leave some DMs scratching their heads, wondering how (or even IF) they should be using guns in their campaigns.Īre guns too overpowered to be using in a high fantasy game? What are the mechanics for guns in 5e?ĭon’t worry, Halfling Hannah has got your back! To successfully use guns in your D&D campaign, you need to consider the following: Yes, there were guns in D&D 3e, but until the character of Percy shot his way into our hearts, not many players were interested in them. Perhaps one of the most potentially confusing for we DM’s, is the use of guns. Without question, Critical Role has changed the way many people view Dungeons & Dragons.

5e firearms dmg